Tuesday, May 29
To my Horror
While relaxing in my office today, during lunch hour sipping on my cheapo lassi from the mamak's downstairs, I had a shock of my life when i received a call from V. Apprently he was looking for my boss who was out for lunch. Sigh it feels weird talking him after a year. Neways... long story short. I'd like to see how he faces me in public after doing what he has to me over a period of time. Time for REVENGE :D and trust me it's really sweet :D
Sunday, May 20
A New Journey
Finally the time has arrived, for me to embark on a whole new journey, to be exposed to a whole new life, to finally be independent.
I have been accepted as an intern at the IPRM (Institute of Public Relations Malaysia) ; for many it may not be a big deal; but to me it is going to be a life changing experience. My internship position begins tomorrow and will end on the 20th July 2007. After which I'll be attending my graduation ceremony in LimKokWing on the 28th of July 2007.
I can hardly believe I've finally left University and am on the way of becoming an executive at a PR firm , or whereever else life takes me.
Well here's to a new and better tomorrow. Wish me luck guys, and keep a look out for more updates. Till than take care :)
I have been accepted as an intern at the IPRM (Institute of Public Relations Malaysia) ; for many it may not be a big deal; but to me it is going to be a life changing experience. My internship position begins tomorrow and will end on the 20th July 2007. After which I'll be attending my graduation ceremony in LimKokWing on the 28th of July 2007.
I can hardly believe I've finally left University and am on the way of becoming an executive at a PR firm , or whereever else life takes me.
Well here's to a new and better tomorrow. Wish me luck guys, and keep a look out for more updates. Till than take care :)
Wednesday, April 25
I know ive been missing for a very long time now; but it's all due to the fact that I've been busy with Uni and also handing in my resume to companies. I swear its not easy when it comes to deciding where to send my resume's too and which offer i should take. So far I've settled for IPRM , hopefully I'll get a call from them soon.
Apart from that, things are going excellent between me and M.M . Early this month he had a package delivered to me. In it contained things that I really really love.
1) A gorgeous fusia pink and blue material that was embroided nicely on the top
2) A miniature frame of Guru Nanak and the other Guru's
3) Bangles
4) 4-5 Packet of Bindi's
5) Lipstick case
6) Packets and Packets of Masala Chai (Tea)
7) Sweets
All in it was a surprise for me as I was expecting to receive a card only. Heh! I love suprises especially ones like these :D Last week I spoke to his mom and thanked her for the stuff, and it would seem that things are headed in the right direction and with the grace of GOD it should all go well.
On another note, Kiran is back in Malaysia for 4 months, and her 1 month is already up... guwe're looking forward to our trip to Penang which is in the planning stages right now; if all goes well we will be leaving on the 15th of May.
I've got a good week to go before I officially finish Uni. I have a final exam on the 12th May which I'm assuming I'll do okie, just as long as I remember my PR theories.
So that's the latest update. I may not be be able to update this site for sometime due to my hectic schedule but I'll promise to keep you guys updated as an when things happen. Ta'
Apart from that, things are going excellent between me and M.M . Early this month he had a package delivered to me. In it contained things that I really really love.
1) A gorgeous fusia pink and blue material that was embroided nicely on the top
2) A miniature frame of Guru Nanak and the other Guru's
3) Bangles
4) 4-5 Packet of Bindi's
5) Lipstick case
6) Packets and Packets of Masala Chai (Tea)
7) Sweets
All in it was a surprise for me as I was expecting to receive a card only. Heh! I love suprises especially ones like these :D Last week I spoke to his mom and thanked her for the stuff, and it would seem that things are headed in the right direction and with the grace of GOD it should all go well.
On another note, Kiran is back in Malaysia for 4 months, and her 1 month is already up... guwe're looking forward to our trip to Penang which is in the planning stages right now; if all goes well we will be leaving on the 15th of May.
I've got a good week to go before I officially finish Uni. I have a final exam on the 12th May which I'm assuming I'll do okie, just as long as I remember my PR theories.
So that's the latest update. I may not be be able to update this site for sometime due to my hectic schedule but I'll promise to keep you guys updated as an when things happen. Ta'
Monday, March 12
It feels like forever since I've last blogged about anything... more so when it comes to issues that are a close to my heart.
When I look back, I don't quite see the old me anymore... with the passing time that person has somehow vanished and evaporated into thin air.
Not many realise I've been in a relationship for close to 9 months now; and those who do realise that fact have made it a promise to keep it silent.
However , today I feel like talking about him.. I've mentioned him in previous posts but I've never got around to talking about him in the open... but today I'll take the first step in attempt to let the world have a peek at my husband-to-be.
As mentioned, we met some 9 months ago, this happened when the last thing I was looking for was to be in a relationship. I had just been through a horrible expreice with V (who by the way is getting married this coming saturday). Manu Mehta was truly a friend when we'd first met... he'd seen me in my worst possible state of depression... and he transformed me into what I am today. He saw the potentials in me, and he gave me the strength to believe I was capable of achieving anything and everything that I desired.
I never really understood what we shared, except of course that we were really close.... he seemed to have understood my thoughts, my fears and my desires...
When we both realised where our friendship had taken us too, neither of us were able to understand how it'd happen... at times the both of us sit and talk, and when we look back both of us cant seem to think how and when it happened; but we both know it did.
Reena was probably the first person who knew, she was skeptical then ;very might I add. Over the period of time he somehow managed to get on the good side of Reena (who isnt that sketpical anymore), I realised he was serious about our relationship when he first spoke to my mother. No guy I'd ever known or been in a relationship was ever ready to speak to my mom.
We're hoping to be engaged sometime around this year , having the blessings of both our parents ... my parents feel he's right for me.. and I know he's right for me ..
There isnt a particular reason for this posting apart from wanting to take the first step in introducing my boyfriend. I'm just allowing my thoughts to flow onto this platform...

Shona, I know its a tad bit early ... but Happy Anniversary :)
Thursday, February 15
I believe it was last year , when I had blogged about Valentines day and its importance. Back thn it did not mean much to me ; because I never felt the need to have any attachment to the event; perhaps because often times valentines was associated with love and that special someone. This year however, Valentines was indeed a day that ill remember. Receiving ecards from him throught out the day was somewhat surprising, because I know my bf does not believe in valentines , nor does he like the idea of ecards. Soo yes; it was indeed a huge surprise to see ecards flowing in keeping in mind the card that was travelling from gurgaon to kl. :D Jaana ... i know this is comes a lil belated lekin happy valentines day...
Sunday, January 28
Streamyx or Screamyx ? TM Net or TM Nut ?
Until recently, I hadn't been aware of the f***ed Up internet service. Upon doing some online research, and having cracked my head with my the speed. I realised that all P2P were blocked!!!! I wasnt getting connected to my P2P softwares like Utorrent or Limewire. Even downloading from http sites were becoming a hassle. Bleah! I feel like screaming but I cant. Scared after sued for defamation :-s sighh...
Responsible Journalism?
Much has been said about Jeff Oii of Screenshots < http://jeffooi.com/ > and Rocky's Bru blog recently in the main stream media. I am puzzled about what is actually defined as responsible journalism? In my opinion , responsible journalism is when one is honest about what he/she is reporting. Being an undergrad who is majoring in Journalism, I have understood during my study period what it takes to be a journalist. Journalist are to be objective when reporting, there should not be any malice or malicious statements made in their reporting. It is rather unfair that statements are being made about bloggers since the Jeff Ooi incident.
Whatever happened to freedom of speech? I realise that freedom of speech comes with a lot of responsibility and independent journalist i.e bloggers do write from their own point of view. All said and done.
This is an expert from <http://walkwithus.wordpress.com/>
" Speaking later, Abdullah said the government would not censor bloggers but they had to be responsible and that they could be subject to defamation, sedition and other laws"
How are bloggers, particularly Jeff Ooi and Rocky Bru not being responsible for what they write? They attribute the information that write, they show evidence of their findings, they give an un-biased report allowing readers to form an opinion of their own.
As I write this entry , I am afraid of being sued for defamation as well... hence I shall not go on further, for the fear of being sued by the Malaysian Government for defamation. All this has definitely left a bitter taste to blogging.
Whatever happened to freedom of speech? I realise that freedom of speech comes with a lot of responsibility and independent journalist i.e bloggers do write from their own point of view. All said and done.
This is an expert from <http://walkwithus.wordpress.com/>
" Speaking later, Abdullah said the government would not censor bloggers but they had to be responsible and that they could be subject to defamation, sedition and other laws"
How are bloggers, particularly Jeff Ooi and Rocky Bru not being responsible for what they write? They attribute the information that write, they show evidence of their findings, they give an un-biased report allowing readers to form an opinion of their own.
As I write this entry , I am afraid of being sued for defamation as well... hence I shall not go on further, for the fear of being sued by the Malaysian Government for defamation. All this has definitely left a bitter taste to blogging.
Saturday, January 20
Home is Where We Belong
A word that I've been dying to use. Eversince I've learnt its meaning and the importance of it in; I've began to treassure everything about a home. During the last few months, Mama and I have been busy running around and getting things done for the apartment. From meeting the contractors on a daily basis to ensure nothing goes wrong and everything is done accordingly; to getting the fixtures and lightings done. Yesterday, the furniture finally arrived ... well most of the furniture, what's left is the sofa set and two side tables along with the coffee table, which would most probably be delivered next month.
I felt a sense of pride, as I saw a house being transformed into what I call Home. Plain white walls, coated with soft pastel browns, empty ceilings being changed into plastered ceilings with loads and loads of lights. A rather ugly looking kitchen, into an area that will prepare probably the best meals ever served on earth, mama's cooking :).
The master bedroom, which papa and mama have decided I should take, considering the fact that I'd have to share my room with a guest(s) or move to the hall. The room has been coated with a rather earthly colour "morrocan mint" on the feature wall. Indian paintings will hang above my bed, to symbolise my love for indian culture and deco-arts.
I present to you our home, my family belongs...
A word that I've been dying to use. Eversince I've learnt its meaning and the importance of it in; I've began to treassure everything about a home. During the last few months, Mama and I have been busy running around and getting things done for the apartment. From meeting the contractors on a daily basis to ensure nothing goes wrong and everything is done accordingly; to getting the fixtures and lightings done. Yesterday, the furniture finally arrived ... well most of the furniture, what's left is the sofa set and two side tables along with the coffee table, which would most probably be delivered next month.
I felt a sense of pride, as I saw a house being transformed into what I call Home. Plain white walls, coated with soft pastel browns, empty ceilings being changed into plastered ceilings with loads and loads of lights. A rather ugly looking kitchen, into an area that will prepare probably the best meals ever served on earth, mama's cooking :).
The master bedroom, which papa and mama have decided I should take, considering the fact that I'd have to share my room with a guest(s) or move to the hall. The room has been coated with a rather earthly colour "morrocan mint" on the feature wall. Indian paintings will hang above my bed, to symbolise my love for indian culture and deco-arts.
I present to you our home, my family belongs...

Thursday, January 18
There was once a time when I used to be really depressed. I felt like I would never meet the right one in life, that I wasn't destined for love. Indeed the phase was horrible. To make things worst, my friends were settling down in life; some getting engaged, others planning their wedding and me ? I was just waiting and watching as they got busy with the next step in their life.
I was on a frantic search to find the 'right one', thinking every guy that came into my life could be the one for me, and often times I would end up hurt. During this trying period, Reena kept telling me, He will come when the time is right, and it will happen when you least expect it. You wont even realise.
Then I met Him, at first I never realised what it was , I knew that he understood me, I didnt have to say anything to him, but yet he understood everything without me saything anything. He comforted my fears, he made me evaluate things in a diff perspective. He made me see logic and reason to things , even when I was stubborn enough in wanting to believe I was right.
That was 7 months ago, and today I'm glad he came into my life when I least expected him too. Because I found my life partner in him. He knows who he is, and so do the people in my life who matter to me the most...
I love you Shona ....
I was on a frantic search to find the 'right one', thinking every guy that came into my life could be the one for me, and often times I would end up hurt. During this trying period, Reena kept telling me, He will come when the time is right, and it will happen when you least expect it. You wont even realise.
Then I met Him, at first I never realised what it was , I knew that he understood me, I didnt have to say anything to him, but yet he understood everything without me saything anything. He comforted my fears, he made me evaluate things in a diff perspective. He made me see logic and reason to things , even when I was stubborn enough in wanting to believe I was right.
That was 7 months ago, and today I'm glad he came into my life when I least expected him too. Because I found my life partner in him. He knows who he is, and so do the people in my life who matter to me the most...
I love you Shona ....

Bin Tere Kya Hai Jeena
Bin Tere Kya Hai Jeena
Meri Dil Ki Rani Tum
Meri Khusiyon Ka Mausam
Mere Khawabon Ki Tabeer
Mere Sapno Ki Tasveer
Bin Teri Kaisi Yaar
Woh Jeet Ho Yan Haar
Tere Saang Hai Saab Kuch
Tu Na Ho Toh Bekaar
Bin Tere Kya Hai Jeena
Bin Tere Kya Hai Jeena
Sunni Khaali Raatein
Rukhi Pekhi Baatein
Haar Aahat Peh Chaukuh
Tujhko Har Su Dekhun
Tujhko Har Dam Sochun
Tujhko Har Paal Chaahun
Tere Bin Toh Jeevan Mera Hai Intezaar
Bin Tere Kya Hai Jeena
Bin Tere Kya Hai Jeena
Tere Saath Jeeyen Jo Pal
Kuch Unseh Nahin Badhker
Teri Khaatir Saas Mein Luh
Teri Khaatir Jeeta Hun
Marne Ki Tammana Bhi
Tere Saath Mein Rakhta Hun
Tuh Hai Jeene Ki Vajaah
Kaar Mera Aaetebaar
Bin Tere Kya Hai Jeena
Bin Tere Kya Hai Jeena
Monday, January 15
Lately, I've been told quite a number of times by a certain person that I am Irresponsible. Now from the looks of it, I do not think I am Irresponsible; it just happens that at times I am not able to turn up for something or do something according to that person's desires. It actually hurts that someone can actually have a label on me. One that I dont quite deserve. There are times when I wish I could kill myself before someone labeled me to be irresponsible.
Saturday, January 6
It's almost customary for me to change my blog template and layout every 6 months or so ... this time around I decided to go for something suttle, I guess I am getting a lil too old for those bold colours ... hope you like the new layout. Let me know what you think.
Friday, January 5
2006 in a nutshell
When I reflect back on 2006, there is nothing but good memories.... mostly because I didnt have any expectations from life, nor did i set any goals for myself... I simply let GOD do HIS work... and Im trully happy with the results... Lets walk down memory lane together as I go through the events...
January :
Nothing out of the usuall happened ... was still feeling shitty about the hse being sold, and having to move in with grandparents ...
Febuary :
Roopy came to KL, had a blast.... Saw someone I didnt really need to see , but what the heck I realised then that some ppl were a waste of my precious time.
Said goodbye to my friends who were flying off to Murdoch without me.
March :
Moved into PJ with grandparents ...
April :
Found out that a certain someone was getting engaged ....
May :
Learnt alot about accepting me for myself, learnt alot about accepting who I was , and why I was the way I am.
It was a turning point in Life...
June :
Met Him, what started off as a friendship; grew into something bigger and stronger without either one of us realising it, what was to be a " lets see how it goes" turned into "i dont wanna be without you" situation
July :
Ventured into my Final year at LUCT, expirenced many things like staying on my own and being independant....
August :
He flew off to Bangladesh for his project, probably a trying period in both our lives , nevertheless had alot on my mind especially Uni
September :
Nothing really great happened, Uncle flew in from Australia for a couple of days.
October :
He goes back to Delhi for Diwali, a surprise for his mom, and me .... we spend a good amount of time together. Works becomes hectic especially with assignments and presentations...
November :
He's back in Bangladesh, and Im running out of time, too much to study, too little time ... Final exams pressure mounting up.
December :
Reunited with someone special , after an absense of 13 years...
He returned home earlier than expected, my exam results are out ... I excelled with flying colours...
Life in 2006 was good, I could not have asked for a better year.
January :
Nothing out of the usuall happened ... was still feeling shitty about the hse being sold, and having to move in with grandparents ...
Febuary :
Roopy came to KL, had a blast.... Saw someone I didnt really need to see , but what the heck I realised then that some ppl were a waste of my precious time.
Said goodbye to my friends who were flying off to Murdoch without me.
March :
Moved into PJ with grandparents ...
April :
Found out that a certain someone was getting engaged ....
May :
Learnt alot about accepting me for myself, learnt alot about accepting who I was , and why I was the way I am.
It was a turning point in Life...
June :
Met Him, what started off as a friendship; grew into something bigger and stronger without either one of us realising it, what was to be a " lets see how it goes" turned into "i dont wanna be without you" situation
July :
Ventured into my Final year at LUCT, expirenced many things like staying on my own and being independant....
August :
He flew off to Bangladesh for his project, probably a trying period in both our lives , nevertheless had alot on my mind especially Uni
September :
Nothing really great happened, Uncle flew in from Australia for a couple of days.
October :
He goes back to Delhi for Diwali, a surprise for his mom, and me .... we spend a good amount of time together. Works becomes hectic especially with assignments and presentations...
November :
He's back in Bangladesh, and Im running out of time, too much to study, too little time ... Final exams pressure mounting up.
December :
Reunited with someone special , after an absense of 13 years...
He returned home earlier than expected, my exam results are out ... I excelled with flying colours...
Life in 2006 was good, I could not have asked for a better year.
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